Foodie Ireland
This article by Rachel Cooke in the Observer describes her trip to Cork with the Irish chef Richard Corrigan from the Michelin starred Lindsay House in London.
While Corrigan's larger than life personality and unbounded enthusiasm for every morsel of food encountered along the way appears to have been exhausting for Cooke, the gastronomic journey they took sounds like heaven to me.
You'll also get the contact and supplier details for some wonderful local products, such as the delicious Macroom Oatmeal and Gubbeen Cheese.
While Corrigan's larger than life personality and unbounded enthusiasm for every morsel of food encountered along the way appears to have been exhausting for Cooke, the gastronomic journey they took sounds like heaven to me.
You'll also get the contact and supplier details for some wonderful local products, such as the delicious Macroom Oatmeal and Gubbeen Cheese.

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