The Mac is back! (and why caesarian sections are bad for you)

I have missed my lovely white machine SO much! Can't believe it's finally back! This poor blog has gathered dust and cobwebs....
Here's a link to get things going; it's about the risks associated with repeat cesarean sections.
Of course, a cesarean section is a necessity for safe delivery of many complicated pregnancies and difficult labours, but I'm increasingly bothered by the numbers of women who seem to believe that a c-section is the 'easy' option for delivering their healthy babies.
We're doing something badly wrong as a society when we're fostering an attitude that sees the pregnant woman as an oven in which to cook up the genetic recipe written by both parents, ignoring the potent dynamic interaction between the mother's body and her developing baby, from the very start to the very end of pregnancy.

Awful, awful, awful.
Unhealthy for mother and baby in the immediate and in the long term, entirely unrealistic for any normal woman, and unethical by any sane measure.
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